Monday, May 27, 2013

Watergate Scandal Five W's

Who: An unknown person broke into the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee. It was later discovered that the unknown people were robber hired by the Nixon camp. This scandal revolved around many people including President Nixon, all of congress, and many others.

What: The scandal erupted when it was learned that the perpetrators were part of the Nixon administration. This accusation was proved to be true when audio tapes were discovered. Congress pushed the President to reveal these tapes, but Nixon, as well as his quarters, denied their ever existence. When the tapes finally surfaced they had been cut and all evidence which connected the perpetrators to Nixon had been destroyed.

When: The Scandal first came to the forefront in the beginning or 1972. As time went by pressure on President Nixon mounted and finally the watergate tapes were revealed. As information continued to leak out supporters of president Nixon withered. The Watergate era came to an end in 1974 when Nixon resigned from his presidency.

Where: The Watergate scandal took place in the Watergate Building in Washington, DC. In the years to come the Watergate scandal was felt nationwide. The same corruption that was fought world wide made its way into the offices that were suppose to be against it. This very realization scared many Americans and encouraged change throughout the nation.

Why: Watergate occurred as a result of the numerous insecurities of President Nixon. His staff sent burglars to the Democratic National Committee building to obtain information that pertained to the upcoming presidential election. Nixon's attitude throughout his presidency foreshadowed the Watergate scandal to occur.

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