Monday, May 27, 2013

Watergate Scandal Cartoon

Through the event of Watergate the generally idea of what happened was that President Nixon was known for recording every conversation and meeting that went on between him and anybody else.
     On June 17, 1972, five men broke into the Watergate Complex in D.C. When this crime was investigated, it was found that Nixon had prior knowledge of this scandal, and he had tape recordings to prove it. When asked to turn over the tapes, Nixon refused. This was against the law, but Nixon declared that he had executive privilege, or that he was protected against the law because he was president. However, the court declared it unconstitutional, proving that no president was above the law. Nixon, facing impeachment, resigned from office on August 9, 1974. He was (and still is) the only president to have resigned in the history of the United States.
So, the moral meaning of the cartoon is that one can see this chair. This chair symbolizes that it is the President’s chair. Normally the President’s chair would say, “President of the United States.” Though, one would see that this chair does not say that. It takes away some key words and adds in Watergate written across the chair, attempting to have American citizens always know and remember what Nixon did. Which will forever change the United States of America. 

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