Monday, May 27, 2013

Interview with Laura Jean

Interview-Life During the 1960s

Person: Laura Jean(Family Friend)               Born: March 8, 1954 


1. Where did you reside in the 1960’s?
            She lived in and grew up in Anaheim, California during the 1960’s.  She was a teenager growing up during the time.

2. What did you think and feel when JFK was assassinated?
            She had never experienced anything similar to his death before. Nation was shocked and very sad, schools were shutdown, nothing could compare to his death. She was very little and it was at the center of her family’s attention. They were all grieving and she was too young to understand the significance of what had happened.

3. What did you think of the Hippie movement, and the drugs involved with it?
            She believed the hippie movement was good in the sense that it gave people a way to express their feelings and personal views. She felt it brought the people closer together, and didn’t agree with all the mind-altering drugs involved with the movement. 

4. What was your view on the Vietnam War?
            It made her feel sick to her stomach, and she didn’t understand why we got involved in and sent our innocent children into what seemed to be an endless death trap. It didn’t turn them into men, it ruined them. She remembers constantly looking into the newspaper and seeing more and more young men dying everyday. 

5. Was your life influenced or affected greatly by the 1960’s?
            Her life was greatly influenced by the 1960’s mostly by the negativity the Vietnam was had caused in her life. She was very bitter about the Vietnam War, her cousin had died and that filled her with sorrow for a very long time. Although the war had consumed her life at the time, she still found it to be a decent time with its vast improvements to culture in the United States. 

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